Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 教育學習 - 已解決
Yahoo!奇摩知識+ - 分類問答 - 教育學習 - 已解決
請英文高手幫忙除錯(格列佛遊記心得 20點)
May 4th 2013, 02:56

但文法或文意上怕有錯誤(有時候一個字不對,意思會差很多= =),

Gulliver’s Travels is the story of Gulliver, a Englishman surgeon, he become surgeon who takes to the sea.

The first journey, He get a shipwreck and arrived at Lilliput, Lilliputians are friendly. Then Blefuscu is ready to invade Lilliput, Gulliver help Lilliput. He escapes Lilliput and go to Blefuscu.

The second journey, he come to Brobdingnag. A farmer find Gulliver, and use him to earn money, and sells Gulliver to the queen. Then, Gulliver leaves Brobdingnag when his cage is plucked up by an eagle and dropped into the sea.

The third journey, he attack by pirates, then land on Laputa, where inhabited by theoreticians and academics. Scientific research in Laputa is impractical. Then, Gulliver see figure from history.

The fourth journey, he arrives in land where populated by Houyhnhnms, rational-thinking horses who rule, and by Yahoos. Gulliver make a conclusion that the lands he has visited belong by rights to England.

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